

Small Business Coaching Services

Did You Know?

98% of business owners rely on referrals to grow their businesses, but less than 3% have a dependable plan for generating referred revenue.

Even though most small business owners know they should network, it can feel like a complete waste of time for them. They attend networking events, hand out their business cards, and hope to find potential clients or referrals. However, the results often leave them with a pocket full of irrelevant contacts.

What if networking could be more rewarding for you & Your business?


Attracting ideal clients who bring both profit and joy to your business

Spending less time connecting with the right professionals at networking events & mixers

Avoiding useless one-on-one coffee shop meet-ups with wantrepreneurs

Say goodbye to awkward networking experiences and hello to building genuine connections that matter. Let me show you how to make networking work for you and your business!

Small Business Coaching Services

My coaching offers a straightforward, down-to-earth system that covers everything you need to build and leverage a network aligned with your purpose. You’ll discover how to increase opportunities, build meaningful business relationships, and find a supportive community that cares about referring your business to the right people.

Simply choose one of the three packages below to help achieve a specific outcome.

Each package includes an initial client assessment.

Growth Package


Perfect if you need a quick and impactful pep talk, filled with valuable tips before you take on your next networking event.

Plus, I’ll personally invite you to attend one valuable networking event with me where I’ll help you connect with other professionals.

Includes: (1) 45-Min Zoom Consult

Foundation Package


Perfect if you need key strategies and an actionable plan to master your upcoming networking events, discover the right connections, and build valuable relationships.

Plus, attend 2 beneficial networking events with me where I’ll introduce you to other respectable local professionals and CEOs.

Includes: (2) 60-Min Zoom Consults

Level Up Package


You’ll get everything* from the first two packages.

Plus, you get a copy of my Network, Connect & Grow workbook, and invitations to 3 business enrichment networking events where I’ll connect you to other business owners and provide an evaluation of your interpersonal skills at the end of each event.

Includes: (3) 90-Min Zoom Consults

*except the event invitations; only includes 3 invites in total

Not sure where to start? Have questions?

Schedule a free 15-minute virtual coffee chat with me to learn more about me and what my services include.